Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Can Weight Watchers Achieve Rapid Loss? NLP Life Coaching Tools

Mark J Holland personally takes you through NLP Life Coaching Sessions that will change the way you think about food forever.  It will help you to stop overeating, control cravings and help you to feel totally motivated to move your body.

NLP Life Coaching

Nearly two thirds of us are overweight, making us the most obese nation in the world.

"Most people start the day like this - they look in the mirror, they make observations about everything that's wrong with them and then go off out for the day, you know, they do a sort of self-hypnotic induction where by they make themselves feel bad then spend the rest of the day trying to compensate for it!"

A study of 14,000 Australian adults found 26%, or four million people, weighed in as obese. That's 1% more than the traditional heavyweights, the United States of America and it makes us the 'fattest' country in the world.

Clearly: “Diets work for next to nobody”!
Here is a new way to stop overeating, control cravings and feel totally motivated to do exercise. NLP Life Coaching has developed a breakthrough weight management system that re-patterns your thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about yourself, your health and your food to help you easily take control of your diet and lose weight permanently.  
This NLP Life Coaching Audio Program focuses on controlling your response to hunger and, even more importantly, a way of altering the appetite by reducing the stress that dieting causes. Learn new ways to break those eating habits.

Also discover how to accelerate your metabolism so that you burn more fat and calories throughout the day and even while you sleep!

In this Audio Program you will discover how to:

  • Completely stop over eating
  • Feel in control and relaxed around food
  • Become motivated to moving your body with fun
  • Feel happy about your body

Eliminate Cravings And Lose Weight Quickly!
NLP Life Coaching along with various other modern psychological technologies used in this audio program are ways of by-passing the conscious mind to access your unconscious mind, where all of your automatic behaviours exist.

It is used here to create new automatic behaviours that allow you to be your ideal weight, as you will discover.

The fact of the matter is that the methods within this audio programme then help you set to work, changing the parts of your mind that in the past were telling you to behave in a specific manner to a specific stimulus that now have brand new responses.

In this way, you can effectively ’switch off’ the commands which caused you to eat excessively.
You can, and do, even program yourself, SO THAT YOU FEEL MOTIVATED to get out there and move your body.
You will be amazed at what you’ll learn about how to use the power of your mind to achieve that Slim, Healthy, Attractive body you havealways dreamed about.

By the time you have finished reading this page you will be delighted to know that you can simply use the power of your own mind to be a slim, healthy and attractive person.

Do you remember those days…

Think back to when you were a child and you seemed to be able to eat whatever you liked and you just stayed lean…

Imagine feeling that way again in the future.

As you absorb more of the information about this amazing programme the more you’ll come to realise that all the answers are within your own mind and can be unlocked using this NLP Life Coaching audio program.

Since you are reading this page right now, I am going to assume that you are well aware of the implications of excessive weight. But I’m sure you’re also aware that knowing about the problem and dealing with it are often two very different propositions, aren’t they?

Let me ask you a question:
Would You Like To Remove That Spare Tyre, Permanently?

Well, now you can… But first you most likely have some emotional ties to remove.

As you continue to move down this page, I want you to know that eating habits are often deeply embedded within our unconscious minds, cultivated from years of ’programming’.

Of course you know that you eat to enjoy yourself, sympathize, and you associate eating with so many different aspects of your life.

Did a parent or guardian ever say to you; “Finish everything on your plate, there are starving children in the world!”?
Did you ever get told that as a child? I know I did. (I would say well just send it to them)

How much of an effect do you think attitudes like this have on a young mind?

Soon you’ll sense that so much of this early programming has been what has led you to where you are today.

This is just one example of the many ways that we are influenced from birth to create associations to food and develop emotional ties to it.

You can start removing that baggage NOW!

Today, you can reprogram your unconscious associations with food for REAL effective weight management!

Think about how you’re going to feel when you finally take control of your size, shape and weight in the future.

Are you going to feel healthier, slim, and attractive, will you boost your immune system, and have an abundance of energy?

Will you feel more attractive, more confident and more in control as your overall quality of life?

Just as important, what about the impact on others close to you?

Of course everyone knows that you are going to please the people important to you and even the people not so important to you, when they see you allowing yourself a longer, healthier life and being good to that person they love; that person is you.

Feels good when you think about it like that, doesn’t it?

The best thing for now is to realise that you do actually have the potential and can make a choice to make this happen.

As you think about what you are reading here today, know that only you can take the necessary steps to improve your life now —maybe you just need a little bit of a helping hand.

That’s where this “Think Yourself Slim” audio programme comes in — as your guide, motivation, support and results coach.

Here is just a small sample of what this multi-session audio programme delivers:

  • How to achieve your ideal size, weight and shape.
  • Fits your budget as it saves you money — lots of it!
  • You won’t be paying to put those extra kilos on your waist.
  • Instant results for waving goodbye to cravings.
  • The closely guarded secrets of naturally slim people — people who never seem to put on kilos, no matter what they eat.
  • Ways to feel more attractive and desirable.
  • Step by step instructions to finally be guilt-free — no more feeling bad about yourself after eating.
  • Ways to feel so much healthier.
  • Accelerate your brain power to reframe past experiences (so it’ll feel like you’ve ALWAYS been in control of your weight!).

Picture what it is going to be like wearing that amazing outfit to your social functions and how everyone admires how fantastic you look!

Do you know?…

Your relationship to food and exercise is a LEARNED BEHAVIOUR — it’s something you’ve taught yourself to do, and like everything else, you can UNLEARN it.

There is only one solution to this

You can program yourself with a different, new and updated behaviour that ensures that you achieve and maintain the size, shape and weight that pleases you.

Now I want you to think that previous paragraph over and over and I want your unconscious mind to listen to those words very carefully.

Your past feelings of lack of will power, lack of motivation and lack of drive, in a surprising way, are slowly changing to feeling driven, empowered, in control and more motivated than you have been in years the closer you come to ordering this amazing programme.

Breakthrough Technology Used to Reduce Weight Today!

NLP Mind Coaching and the various other modern psychological technologies used in this audio programme are ways of by-passing the conscious mind to access your unconscious mind, where all of your automatic behaviours exist.

It is used here to create new automatic behaviours that allow you to be your ideal weight, as you will discover.

The fact of the matter is that the methods within this NLP Life Coaching audio program can help you set to work, changing the parts of your mind that in the past were telling you to behave in a specific manner to a specific stimulus that now have brand new responses.

In this way, you can effectively ’switch off’ the commands which caused you to eat excessively.

You can, and do, even program yourself, SO THAT YOU FEEL MOTIVATED to get out there and exercise.

You know what?…

NLP Life Coaching is so powerful and has helped countless people change their lives around — and yet it is so misunderstood by so many.

I thank you for opening your mind to all the wonderful benefits that are potentially yours by using this programme.
You may still feel that I am exaggerating or are unsure that this will really work for you.

Well, let me show you why I am so confident

Only you can make the choice

Either stay as you are, putting your health and happiness at risk and degrading your quality of life,
you can choose to feel energetic, fit, attractive, and healthy — all the time.

You and I both know which option sounds better, don’t we?

And just remember this…

If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.
You knew that too didn’t you?

So do something different today.
You have to decide to make a change today.

You have nothing to lose but your weight!

ONLY $27.00 (Plus P&H)!

Yes I want to "Think Slim"

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