Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Winning was more than Scoring - NLP Life Coaching Australia

Can't watch this video follow this link:


A great video from www.Ted.com by John Wooden. 

‘Born in 1910, Coach John Wooden was the first person to be inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame both as a player and coach, while ESPN ranks him as the greatest coach of all time, across all sports. In his 40 years at UCLA, he mentored legends such as Bill Walton and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. He has created a model, the Pyramid of Success, and authored several books to impart his insight on achievement to others.

Coach wanted his players to be victors in life and not just on the court, so he treated them as an extended family and emphasized that winning was more than scoring. Indeed, most of his inspiring theories were born from conversations with his father, as a boy on their farm in Indiana. One that sums up his ideology quite well is his often-quoted definition of success: “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best that you are capable of becoming.”
“Coach Wooden is a humble, private man who has selflessly given up his life to make other people’s lives better … John Wooden gave us the necessary tools to overcome the adversity and obstacles that he knew from the beginning would always be in our way. He taught us to find a source of motivation to inspire us to ever higher levels of preparation and work.”
Bill Walton’

NLP Life Coaching Australia

How To Accelerated Your Learning Skills - NLP Life Coaching Australia

A revealing discovery in the power to change the way you learn, process, and store Information using the power of your mind, a complete self contained audio course for accelerated learning Strategies that will transform the way you learn.

If you find learning difficult then this audio program is for you...
If you find it difficult to recall information this program is for you
If you would like to increase your grade point average this program is for you
If you are interested in discovering accelerated learning techniques, this program is for you, written by an NLP Life Coach...this is the perfect audio guide tostudy successfully, access information easily, recall the information you need and maintain your sanity.

This audio program will motivate learning with active strategies for improving performance in exams and recall ability......reduce stressimproving relationships with family and friends coping with physical and mental fatigue...survive exams, learn easily and effortlessly with the techniques and strategies you can apply rapidly in this audio program.

What is this method? NLP Life Coaching of course. You probably already know that many personal development techniques are based on research in NLP Life coaching, Neuro Linguistic Psychology. You probably also know that NLP Life Coaching Australia is the safest and most effective way to control almost all kinds of increasing memory and study habits. What you may not know is how to find someone qualified to help you meet your goals and objectives in these areas. That is why I am here.

For the past 12 months, I have helped students, teachers and adult learners from all walks of life change the way they learn, remove old habits, improve learning and recall ability, create new learning strategies, overcome procrastination and help them learn in the most effective way that suites each individual learning style… all without having to do much more than enjoying a few sessions of NLP life coaching Australia with me.

The reason for the success of my clients is only partially because of my work. The key reason is the clients desire to change. You see, the only way NLP Life Coaching Australia works, and nothing starts until the client is ready for change in their life. Once they are ready they are only a few weeks from actually accomplishing most goals they will have. NLP life coaching is truly an exceptional tool.

What does this accelerated learning program cost? The Highest Bidder wins!

Do you know what some of our recent clients have written and told us? 

“School Teacher now utilizes key learning strategies now benefiting the students in mental development and learning recall ability. Students who were once struggling to pass are now moving toward high achievement. One student who was consistently achieving 7 out of 16 for spelling tests is now enjoying the feeling of achieving 14 out of 16 consistently. Along with a student who is achieving 16/16 consistently is more encouraged and motivated to keep working for it as well!”

“One student has gone from a “D” to a “B-“in as little as a few months”

This audio program will motivate students, teachers and adult learners with active strategies for improving learning and recall performance transforming the way your store and process information.....Reduce stress, improving relationships with family and friends coping with physical and mental fatigue...survive exams with the techniques and strategies you will learn in this audio program.

The highest bid wins, so place your bid today. You will be happy you did.

Yours faithfully,

Mark Holland.

P.S. Remember! If you find study and learning difficult then this audio program is for you...written by an NLP Life Coach Australia...this is the perfect audio guide toaccelerated learning easily and maintain your sanity.

ONLY $27.00 (Plus P&H)

Yes I want Accelerated Learning Skills!

NLP Life Coaching Australia

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How What You Focus on, Affirms Your Future! - NLP Life Coaching Australia

Isn't it true that everyone experiences negative thoughts.

Everyone is exposed to situations every day that are dis-empowering . Have you ever experienced doubt about your abilities personally, socially or even professionally, uncertainty about your future or questions like "am I really good enough?".

Whether it’s in the news, the music you hear, advertising your exposed too, or simply the people you spend time with, we can be bombarded daily with negative messages like "There’s nothing I can do", "Bad things happen", "Nobody cares anymore" and "You don't always get what you want". This type of exposure convinces us that failure is usual, you should be afraid, be careful, hold back and don’t play hard because…you’ll probably fail…so why even try?

Earl Nightingale coined the phrase, "We become what we think about" and "Our thoughts create our habits, our habits produce our results." It's  been reported that 98% of human behavior is based on habits. Habits are the result of mental programing or basically our routine thoughts that run continuously in our minds. Advertisers use this to their advantage and spend millions of dollars figuring out ways to change our buying habits and impulses. Day after day you make decisions that either move you closer to your goals and dreams or further away.

It was Zig Ziglar who once asked the question, "Would you ever allow someone to empty a full garbage can into your living room? Of course not! Then why would you allow someone to dump garbage on your mind?" How often do you allow people to empty garbage into your mental living room? Isn’t it interesting how much energy we spend protecting our home… and yet, we spend almost no energy protecting our minds.

The Soviet Government commissioned several scientists back in the late 1950's to discover a method of learning that would give the Russian Children an advantage in human development. And they figured thier children were smarter then other children around the world, communism would have stronger influence.

Imagine using this same technology and effectively imputting positive messages into our minds using the same power. This Audio Affirmation program will help trasform your current thought process.  The more you expose yourself to positive influences, the better chances you have in transforming your life into the way you once dreamed.  You can acheive whatever you want, you can make things happen in your life, take the Affirmations Test, and see your life transform before your eyes.

Give your thoughts the Power to Succeed!

ONLY $14.95 (plus P&H)

Yes I want to Change my Focus and Affirm My Future!

NLP Life Coaching Australia 

Monday, April 18, 2011

How to Design Your Life! Life Coaching NLP Self Help - NLP Life Coaching Australia

**NEW PRODUCT**  How to Design Your Life! To The Men and Women Who Want To Get More Out of Life!

How to Design Your Life!
To The Men and Women Who Want To
Get More Out of Life!

I have enjoyed coaching hundreds of Men and Women in my private NLP Life Coaching Practice, and this program will give you a simple and easy to follow system called “How to Design Your Life!”

There is a reason why some people achieve what they want in life, all the happinessfreedom, satisfaction, and creating the life they want.  While others wonder why they never achieve anywhere near, what they once dreamed of achieving.

And the reason begins with your thinking.

You might become aware of growing confidence in your ability to achieve what you want when you have learnt these strategies.

Everyone has what it takes to achieve their own definition of success

In this program you will discover:

  • The key motivators to achieve your ultimate outcomes
  • Your commitment to success and what you really want to achieve in your life
  • The stepping stone to achieve ultimate success
  • The easy formula to achieve more in your life
  • The key indicator of success now and in your future
  • The Power of “3”
  • The daily activities that will skyrocket your success

There is no need for you to do this now, you do it in your own time.

You will also learn how to activate your success cycle and your key to success.

You have within yourself all the resources you need to achieve what you want, to be able to use the resources, you need to know that you have the resources and how to use them.  You may also need to acquire new resources as you learn and grow.  The emphasis is on your internal thoughts and creating a resourceful state of mind.

People can achieve their goals because learning these tools gives you the tools to do so.

What are some of these resources?
  • The secret that determines your fast track to success
  • The tactics for implementing change
Change is a vital part of achieving what you want in life, and for change to take place, there are several phases we must work through to help us manage change.

I am curious to know just how many solutions you will come up with this program.

The 7 Phases of Managing Change.

We experience all 7 phases talked about in this audio program when managing change. Some people will speed up the process, while others back track, and some will get stuck in a rut, while others will get confused and frustrated, and then others will utilize feedback and learn something throughout the entire process.  The key is being able to identify where you are at the time and knowing how to move forward.

The Power of Your Emotions

Our emotions can motivate us and hinder us from achieving our results. We identify how to use emotions to learn something new and move forward toward the achievement of our Goals and outcomes.

I wonder if you've already started to notice the changes already happening in your life.

Our mindset affects what to do when things go wrong and what to do when things go right.  Your “centre of attention” and what you learn during these instances can make a huge difference to the outcome.

You may or may not have heard of “The Puerto Principal” it can help accelerate your achievement of what you want in life and this program will reveal its value.

Removing Limitations

You will also learn how to remove limiting beliefs and how to create more resourceful beliefs.  When you remove limiting beliefs, and can begin the journey of changing the person you are now into the person you really want to be, you will find how easy it is to install a new habit or belief in as little as 21 days.

Our behaviour can be affected by how we perceive the world and there are three key senses to achieve what you want, you will accelerate your outcomes and move closer to achieving what you want as you engage these three senses.

This audio program is a guide to “How to Design Your Life”, and achieving more of what you want in life.

Here is what you will learn:

  • Introduction
    • Knowing what you want
  • Planning
    • Achieve success, where am I now, defining success, assessing the risk, commitment, goal setting, and goal achievement
  • Where Am I Now?
    • A look at what motivates you.
  • Taking action
    • Goal achievement, managing change
  • Feedback
    • Good planning and a positive attitude, failure
    • When things go wrong, when things go right
  • Persistence
    • Persistence and the success cycle
  • Mental toolkit
    • Time management, focus, belief systems, affirmations, visualisation, luck, modelling, motivators, input/output
  • Breaking Barriers
    • Use the statements to help highlight any areas that may be delaying you making a start and moving forward.  They will help you ascertain what you need to address in order to help you achieve your goal.

What does this program cost? $47.00
The first 20 who Buy it today,  I will send a bonus Audio Program! 

How does it feel when you are about to change your life?

NLP Life Coaching Australia

Thursday, April 14, 2011

How to Dissolve Procrastination and Limiting Mindsets!

Procrastinate Procrastination 
maybe you are seeking answers to the “problem” of procrastination . . . time management . . . organizational skills . . . how to fight bad habits.

Procrastination is a complex psychological behaviour that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, and we often know exactly what we should be doing, even if we cannot do it, which is why this audio program could help.

The dictionary defines procrastination as “the act of putting off doing something that should be done right away.” 
…maybe you can identify with some of the Characteristics of Procrastination

  • Low Self-Confidence - struggling with feelings of low self-confidence and low self-esteem. Insisting upon a high level of performance even though you may feel inadequate or incapable of actually achieving that level.
  • I'm Too Busy - Procrastination may be used to call attention to how busy someone is. “Obviously I cannot do _(Whatever you are putting off)______ because life is too complicated and so demanding. That is why I’m late, haven’t finished the job, etc...” The procrastinator may even spend considerable time justifying their reasons, the time that could be spent doing what needs to be done.
  • Stubbornness - Used as an expression of inflexibility or pride: “Don't think you can push me around. I will do it when I'm good and ready.”
  • Manipulation - Used to control or manipulate the behaviour of others. “They cannot start if I am not there.” Let's face it: individuals who are always late aggravate others.
  • Coping with Pressures - the delay behaviour has become a method of coping with day-to-day pressures and experiences. It's easier to have an excuse, to delay, to put off.
  • A Frustrated Victim - Often feeling like a victim: cannot understand their behaviour or why they cannot get work done like others. The whole thing is a frustrating mystery. The reasons for their behaviour is hidden from them.

“Procrastination is the thief of time.” - Edward Young 

How will you Benefit when Procrastinating Procrastination

When you procrastinate procrastination, utilizing the tools in this program you would expect to experience peace of mind, a feeling of strength and purpose, and healthy feeling of being in charge of your life.
Does procrastination make you feel weak, useless, and helpless?...when you begin to use this program and start taking charge of your life it can make you feel strong, competent, and capable. You will experience increased personal freedom!
The Truth about Procrastination
Procrastination is reinforcing - every time you delay, it reinforces your negative attitude toward that task. Every time you put off something you dislike, you:
  1. strengthen the habit of not doing;
  2. practice avoidance instead of participation;
  3. avoid acquiring training and skills, and
  4. Indoctrinate yourself with fears.
Active participation in anything tends to give you a positive attitude toward that activity; inactivity helps acquire an unfavourable attitude.
Think of one thing you are currently procrastinating in, and write it down.  It might be personal, school or work-related.
You may have told yourself any of these?
  1. "I'll do it tomorrow."
  2. "I'll do it tomorrow, if ..."
  3. "I need to have some well-earned fun first."
  4.  "I've got to get out for a while to clear my mind."
  5. "My problem will be solved if I change.....”
  6. "I'll relax a while and then get started."
So as you think of one thing you are currently procrastinating in, decide now is the time to do something about it.
When you procrastinate procrastination you will greatly reduce its influence in your life, you'll experience more freedom and greater personal self-satisfaction.
Have some fun with yourself and procrastinate procrastination today.
In this Audio Book you will discover a tool that will help you to remove the procrastination habit out of your life and start moving forward in the achievement of exactly what you need to accomplish in your life now.

Here's The Quickest & Easiest Way For You To Stay Motivated and Find Motivation
This audio program gives you the latest and most advanced technology in personal development, a proven strategy, a proven step-by-step process, proven everything you need to Stay Motivated and find Motivation in any area of your life.
It’s never going to get any easier than this to have your own resource to access Motivation when you need it. If you’ve been looking for a quick and easy way to get stay motivated and find motivation whenever you need it this is for you.
Motivation provides a person with a motive to action with positive energy and determination. It's a state of mind that moves one individual into action. The best way to recharge the battery of your motivation is to create that motivational state. An inner drive waiting to be unleashed in all of us, Motivation plays an important role intellectually, emotionally, and professionally for our success and personal development.
When we learn we are response-able for every aspect of our lives, motivated success can only follow, it is inevitable, like the force of the ocean and as sure as the sun rises and sets every day. You can have motivation right here, right now, when we truly accept that we create our realities, we are firmly in control of our state, what we see, hear and feel. Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-oriented behaviour. Motivation may be internal or external. The key to achieving motivation now is action.

ONLY $19.95 (plus P&H)

Yes I Want to know How to Dissolved Procrastination and Limiting Mindsets! click the link and order your copy today!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Laugh Away Your Fears Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide

Laughter produces endomorphines that can be an important part of changing your mind.  The more you laugh at what you are afraid of the more “Happy Chemicals” go into your body.  Surprisingly enough creating laughter is an effective way to create changes in your neurochemistry.

For a limited time Mark J Holland is offering this unique Breakthrough Session were you will discover some of the most effective and simple exercises that will enable you to master Laughing Away Your Fears in every area of your life.

If you wish to "test the waters" before committing to an entire coaching package, you have the option of hiring Mark J Holland at his regular rates.

Email for more information today.

Mark J Holland is a professional NLP Mind Coach who teaches NLP tools and techniques for practical use in life.  For more information about NLP Mind Coaching visit http://www.nlpmindcoach.com

NLP Coaching Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide 

Friday, April 8, 2011

How to Cope with Change in Organisations - NLP Life Coaching Australia

Change seems to be a constant for businesses today. Mostly, that change is about communication – telling people what they need to do differently. Rewriting business processes or changing branding is easy compared to the task of changing people’s attitudes and behaviours. Many organisations have ongoing culture change programs, trying to change people’s attitudes, but for the most part they’re missing the most obvious point – customers infer attitude from behaviour. In other words, a company’s culture isn’t some ethereal, mystery quality – it’s what happens when your staff’s behaviour interacts with your customers’ beliefs and expectations.
The behaviour of the people in a company is an inherent part of the branding of that company. In fact, logos and slogans are not a brand – only the service that people deliver is a brand. If you want a demonstration of this, put on your gardening clothes, go into a BMW dealership and ask for a test drive. The attitude of the sales people may be out of place for a different company, but it’s part of the branding that’s been cultivated over the years.
Many consultants say that they use NLP Life Coaching Australia for change management. In fact, what they are doing is using NLP Life Coaching Australia to help individuals through change. They are not using NLP Life Coaching Australia to change the organisation.
NLP Life Coaching Australia can be used to plan and communicate change and to make that change easy to achieve. The biggest problem with change in organisations is the way that the change managers draw attention to it. The simple fact is that the majority of people want things to stay as they are and get better – most people do not want radical change. I’ve personally worked for many years in one of the fastest changing and most turbulent industries and have been through countless major change programs – at least one per year.
What has been common throughout these change programs is that the change has been announced as radical or revolutionary, and that the employees have been told that what they’re doing is all wrong and they have to change to survive. You know that in reality, it’s not true. If the company didn’t change, it would still survive. On the other hand, the company is changing every single day, depending on how you look at it.
NLP Life Coaching Australia will help you to communicate change in a way that helps people to accept it and make it happen.
NLP Life Coaching – Gold Coast – Brisbane – Sydney – Melbourne – Adelaide – Perth – Top NLP Life Coach Mark J Holland is experienced in providing several premium quality training and personal development services to Corporate Organisations and Major Blue Chip companies – For more information about NLP Life Coaching visit http://www.markholland.com.au/workshops.html

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Turning Disappointment into Joy - NLP Life Coaching Australia

Each person who watches this inspirational video finds an individual message that touches them on many levels, & brings them to tears. It's about acceptance, adjusting expectations, & focusing on the "can do's" in life which allows for a celebration of amazing outcomes. 

Ricochet is an internationally renowned champion surf dog at the center of media attention, who has become an inspirational phenomenon, motivational role model, internet sensation, fundraising marvel, goodwill ambassador, and muse to millions! 

Leave a comment and tell us what you thought!

NLP Life Coaching Australia

NLP Life Coaching More than Just Positive Thinking or Self Help - NLP Life Coaching Australia

If you are anything like me, then you have read and maybe bought a load of self-help books. While they all seem to have some good advice, they never really seem to produce the results you're looking for. It is like there is some invisible wall standing between where you are and where you want to be. There is a solution you may or may not have heard of NLP life coaching, which has helped millions break through the invisible wall and achieve their dreams.

The basic idea of NLP Life Coaching Australia is to use language to obtain our specific goals or desired outcomes whenever we want.

There are many career and personal benefits to NLP Life Coaching Australia

Career Benefits
  • Teachers for instance will be able to motivate students to want to learn. They will also be able to plan their class for maximum learning.
  • Salespeople can learn to communicate better with themself and with others, by understanding what is going on beneath the surface.
  • Managers will have more success in obtaining their goals. By being able to see what makes their teams tick, managers will be able to motivate their teams for greater success.

Personal Benefits
  • For individual people, it gives the ability to take control of how you feel. It's a great feeling knowing that anytime one can take control of how one feels or thinks.
  • It builds self-esteem and confidence.
  • NLP Life Coaching Australia also helps you with dealing with people. You learn rapport skills, which help you get along with a larger range of people.
  • Have a lot of baggage in your past? NLP Life Coaching Australia helps you get over the past and get on with your life.

NLP Life Coaching Australia has certainly helped many people get what they want in life. NLP Life Coaching Australia reveals the secret to quick and lasting changes in life.  The only way for you to know if NLP Life Coaching Australia will work for you is take your first step and book in for a chat with NLP Life Coach Mark J Holland. Chances are you will be glad you did. NLP life coaching has changed many lives for the better and it can change your life too.

Mark J Holland is a professional NLP Life Coach who teaches NLP Life Coaching tools and techniques for practical use in life.  For more information about NLP Life Coaching visit http://www.nlpmindcoach.com

NLP Life Coaching Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide 

Friday, April 1, 2011

NLP Life Coaching Products, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Results Coaching, Performance Enhancement, Procrastination, Weight Loss, Golf Techniques, Audios, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast - Mark J Holland - NLP Life Coaching Australia

NLP Coaching Products, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Results Coaching, Performance Enhancement, Procrastination, Weight Loss, Golf Techniques, Audios, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Gold Coast - Mark J Holland - NLP MInd Coach

NLP Life Coaching Australia - Rapid Results -  Products for Sale.

How can NLP Life Coaching Australia Improve My Customer Service?

Customer service is an interesting area of business. It’s not as glamorous as sales because it doesn’t make any money, however it’s worth doing right so that you don’t lose customers.
Customer service is often seen as a business overhead, therefore the investment is not made in the people in the way that it is in sales or marketing, for example.
How often do your customers call to say “Just wanted to let you know you’re doing a great job!”?
Not often, I guess. That’s what makes customer service a tough job for the people doing it. The people who stay in customer service either develop immunity to customers or empathise with customers but end up feeling miserable themselves. Whilst the former group probably survive best, they often provide the most unsatisfying customer experience.
NLP Life Coaching Australia based training can help by enabling customer staff to empathise with a customer without taking on the customer’s problems personally.
NLP Life Coaching Australia – Gold Coast – Brisbane – Sydney – Melbourne – Adelaide – Perth – Top NLP Life Coach Mark J Holland is experienced in providing several premium quality training and personal development services to Corporate Organisations and Major Blue Chip companies – For more information about NLP Coaching visit http://www.markholland.com.au/workshops.html
