Wednesday, March 30, 2011

NLP Training For Parents - How to Communicate Effectively to Ward Off Toddler Tantrums

I recently read this article from Charlie Stratton on how to communicate effectively to ward off toddler tantrums and thought you may find it valuable.

If you're the parent of a toddler, you've faced the challenges: getting the kids to do what YOU want, on YOUR schedule can be..."challenging" to put it lightly. First, a few words about what NLP is. NLP is the abbreviation for "Nuero-Linguistic Programming," invented by Richard Bandler and linguist John Grinder and first widely promoted in the 1970's. Though the naming is a bit unfortunate - it sounds a bit like brain programming or manipulation, against the subject's will - in fact it is useful to consider NLP as "New Language Practices," which will allow you to communicate better with anyone: your spouse, your students, your colleagues, or in this case, your own children.

When faced with a toddler tantrum, most of us, including me, have "bought in" to our child's emotional play, and as voices and tensions get louder and higher, sometimes it's hard to know whether the child or the parent is having the bigger tantrum. Here's a simple example of how Nuero-Linguistic Programming (or New Language Practice, as I call it) can shift the communication between a parent and toddler:

Just Don't say "No."

A UCLA survey from a few years ago reported that the average one-year-old child hears the word, "No!", more than 400 times a day! "NO!" is not necessarily a "bad" word, and it can be used in emergencies or to avoid dangerous situations. "NO!" will stop a toddler jamming a fork in the electric outlet...the first time.

The problem is that our brains, even our kids' brains, get too accustomed to the word "no," and we tend to just filter it out. You say, "NO playing with food!" and your child's mind hears, "Playing with Food!" I say "DON'T think of a pink elephant," and your brain has to picture a pink pachyderm before it knows what "NOT" to do.

The NLP (New Language Practice) way around the "NO" problem is simply one of phrasing. Instead of telling your toddler the behaviour you DON'T want, phrase your directions so that you use language that tells the behaviour you want to see. "Don't play with your food," becomes, "Let's see how nicely we can use our fork and knife." "Don't fight with your sister," becomes, "Please play together nicely." See how two seconds of forethought to change the language can change your child's response? Give it a try for a week. I'm sure you'll be surprised by the results.

After you see how well this one "technique" works with your toddler, you're bound to want more. offers over 3 hours of simple, direct techniques to use with your toddler to help make sure both of you are "speaking the same language."

Charlie Stratton is a counselor for truant children in Niigata, Japan, where he also directs an alternative school for young people. After work, Charlie enjoys the challenges of raising his own two toddlers, ages 3 and 5, with his wife Emiko.

NLP Life Coaching Australia

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is Your Life Built On Misinterpretations of Past Experiences? - NLP Life Coaching Australia

Even though the average person does nothing toward creating the success they deserve in life 

All It Takes Are The Secrets I’m About To Share and

The Ability To Take a Few Simple Actions 

Would you like to think like a successful person?
Would you like to move closer and closer toward the dreams and goals you have always wanted?
Do you want complete financial freedom?... Even though the majority of people are struggling to just pay the bills each month? 

Hi Mark J Holland here, I've owned a successful NLP Life Coaching training business for years. 
I have found one of the keys to success is that I've done things almost the exact opposite of what the average person is doing and what the so called “experts” are teaching.

You don't have to accept what everyone else is telling you.... in fact, the more you do the EXACT opposite of what 95% of the population does, the better off you'll be.

Think about it. 

If more people are struggling to make a living...then why would you do the same things they're doing, unless you want to continue struggling as well. 

Let me ask  you a question...  

What Separates Successful People from the Rest in the World? 

That's easy...and it has nothing to do with qualification, certifications or your ability to work supper hard. 

It all comes down to....
  • Having the right information
  • Taking action on the information 

That's it!... it's really as easy as that... 

There are simple actions and steps you can take that work every single time they're used...and these steps can put you in the top 5% of earners in your industry. 

These include...
l       Clarify your direction
l       Strategize your actions
l       Upgrading Your Skills
l       Optimize your environment
l       Master your psychology 

Developing a success mindset is one of the most critical and first things you need to do to change your life in a positive direction.

Many people wonder why good things never happen to them, or they fail to achieve goals; it is most likely that you have some mental roadblocks and established belief patterns that you need to overcome.

Why is it the some people seem to achieve everything they want, yet most people seem to get everything they don't want?

What if you discovered a way to dramatically improve your results and all it took was simply changing the way you think?  Would that be something that interested you? 

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb but only after trials and failures that most people would have given up. 
Richard Branson didn't become a success overnight.
Neither did Donald Trump. 

But what made these men successful was not hard work, although there was a fair bit involved. What made these man successful has everything to do with what you will discover in this program. 

In this Audio Program you will learn how the most successful people in the world break free from their chains of limitation & problems and forge ahead to wealth, glory and fame! 

ONLY $27.00 (plus P&H)

If you have built on misinterpretations of Past Experiences: This Audio program is your launching pad to “Creating the Success Mindset  click the link and order your copy today!

NLP Life Coaching Austrlia

Friday, March 25, 2011

How can NLP Life Coaching Australia be used for Training and Development?

Training is an obvious application area for NLP Life Coaching Australia.

As a communication model, NLP Life coaching Australia encompasses many of the aspects of ‘Accelerated Learning’ in its various forms. Keeping learners in an optimal learning state, presenting information using all sensory channels, layering communication with language patterns and using timeline techniques to translate learning to the workplace are all easily achievable with NLP Life Coaching Australia.
You can also use Well Formed Outcomes to set learning objectives, helping learners to get the most out of the time spent training, and helping you to get the maximum return on your training investment.
On traditional corporate training courses such as time management or presentation skills, delegates are often ‘sent’ which is a good way to tell them that they’re bad at whatever the course is about. The trainer will be lucky if those people are in a receptive learning state for 10% of the time, so it’s no surprise that many trainers say “if you learn just one thing today then I’ve done a good job”.
As humans, learning is the thing we do best. Some corporate training managers seem to think that people don’t want to learn and that new information must be force fed. The reality is that using NLP Life Coaching Austrlia in training makes it a more useful, rewarding and engaging activity for everyone.
At the beginning, it’s important to get learners into a resourceful learning state and to focus them on specific learning outcomes. You can explicitly use the Well Formed Outcomes process with them, or you can create a pre-course questionnaire using the language of outcomes. Asking questions that direct the reader to specific outcomes is an extremely powerful way of influencing their state.
NLP Life Coaching NLP Business Coaching – Gold Coast – Brisbane – Sydney – Melbourne – Adelaide – Perth – Top NLP Life Coach Mark J Holland is experienced in providing several premium quality training and personal development services to Corporate Organisations and Major Blue Chip companies – For more information about NLP Life Coaching and Business Coaching visit

NLP Life Coaching Australia

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

NLP Life Coaching for Weight Watchers - NLP Life Coaching Australia

It seems that there are a large number of fat magnet supplements and pills that are out there in the market promoting "natural" and "organic" weight loss. However, this is still pretty unnatural, if you think about it. Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is probably the best "organic" method because it focuses on your habit rather than having to take in additional supplements. This is because Neurolinguistic Programming advocates that we can change our mental associations.

Let's consider an NLP life coaching technique to handle food consumption issues.
The NLP life coaching technique to controlling food consumption is simple. Since we let eating go on autopilot without much thinking, we can find a way to stop all of our senses being focused on that one single stimulus - the food. You smell it and that generates internal visual and auditory imagery which triggers of the sensation that you want to eat it.

Because this is so automatic, it often causes people to just react rather than to stop and consider if they want it. Worse, if the smell or sight of the food triggers off cravings, then these autopilot mechanisms will not be checked. You just keep eating until you stop from being full. This isn't really the best way to stop a craving.

Since the trigger is so strong, the NLP Life coaching technique known as the Swish Pattern is a way to eliminate this (this is one of many NLP life coaching techniques available for you to use). When you crave for something, you have a mental image in your mind. This image contains several variables including the quality of the image (it probably is pretty clear and compelling) and the sound associated with this image (you probably hear yourself say something like "yum!")

Identifying this image is crucial because it is the first step to the associative process.
The next step is to identify a feeling (a resource state) that will disconnect your natural craving. A resource state such as disgust often works very well. For instance, thinking of your favourite food then mixing it up with something you think is absolutely disgusting to taste will stop you from the automatic reaction.

Repeat this several times by clearing your mind, then thinking of the food you crave for, then adding the elements of disgust. Make sure you have a full sensory and imaginary taste of the food mixed in with all the disgusting stuff (gulp - yes you have to imagine really doing this). Then, clear your mind. After a few times, you will realize that when you think of the original trigger image, instead of going on autopilot, you will actually stop and think whether you really want it.

The resource state need not just be a sensory reaction of disgust. It could be an emotive reaction of disgust, such as someone being disgusted "at" you. This will work well if you know the NLP life coaching techniques involved with values clarification.

There are several criteria for this step to work. First, you need to want this change. Some people just do not want the change badly enough for this strategy to work because there is a positive payoff for the overeating behaviour. Second, you must have the appropriate skills to change. If you don't, I'd recommend a coach who knows the range of NLP life coaching techniques that can help you. Remember, it is not the NLP life coaching  technique alone that works. It's the complementing of the technique with the person who needs the change that matters more. Third, there must be a real positive benefit of you ceasing your eating habit. For instance, you might grow slimmer or have less health problems in the future.

Overall, NLP life coaching techniques work powerfully because they were modelled after people who had used the process. Remember that such processes can be modified to suit different individuals in different circumstances.

Mark J Holland is a professional NLP Life Coach who teaches NLP Life Coaching tools and techniques for practical use in life.  For more information about NLP Life Coaching visit

NLP Life Coaching Australia

NLP Coaching Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide 

Friday, March 18, 2011

How can NLP Life Coaching Australia Dramatically Improve My Marketing Efforts?

As with sales, marketing is an area where NLP Life Coaching can be readily applied.

In particular, NLP Life coaching Australia can help the marketer determine effective strategies for building appropriate long term relationships with customers. Developing creative ideas allows marketing teams to approach a situation from unexpected angles and reach fresh insights to transform their customer experience.
Well formed outcomes can be used to set the objectives of any marketing plan, campaign or strategy. Building a clear model of who the target audiences are, and what precisely they are to do as a result of the marketing activities undertaken, ensures that all activities are effectively focussed and measured. It is also worth being aware of how your own presuppositions can influence your thinking – and that of your customers.
Many organisations are moving towards ensuring that their marketing activities are media-neutral, increasing the effectiveness of any integrated campaign. Here, having a clear sense of what story you want to tell has particular value. With these stories, using the Milton Model helps you build stories that allow your customers to relate what you are communicating into their own subjective experience – and so personalise your product or service offering into their situation.
Mass customisation is becoming increasingly important for online media. The challenge has always been collecting customer data to enable personalisation, whereas a different approach is to convey information using a linguistic framework into which the customer puts their own subjective experience, needs, desires and so on. In much the same way that a politician delivers a speech that appeals to a wide range of interests, the Milton Model can be used to create the structure of language necessary to appeal to a diverse audience.
Of course, NLP’s language tools can be used to write compelling advertising or PR copy, but this can be read as overly false. In any case, NLP Life Coaching Australia is built upon two-way communication, and so is a tool for building relationships rather than exerting influence. If you and your customers have roughly aligned goals, NLP Life Coaching Australia will help both of you get what you want. If your goals are contrary to or even detrimental to your customers, NLP Life Coaching Australia will not help you and may make things worse.
NLP Life Coaching - NLP Business Coaching – Gold Coast – Brisbane – Sydney – Melbourne – Adelaide – Perth – Top NLP Life Coach Mark J Holland is experienced in providing several premium quality training and personal development services to Corporate Organisations and Major Blue Chip companies – For more information about NLP Life Coaching and NLP Business Coaching visit

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Best Way to Learn NLP Online – Australia, Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide

If you want to learn NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) then there are a few things you should be aware of.

NLP Life Coaching Australia is a field that has been refined for over 40 years, since its original founding by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. Since this time the field has been adopted by self help, personal development, life coaching, business coaching schools as a means of teaching people how to make changes to themselves and others that have a positive impact on every aspect of life.

These changes result most commonly by identifying what a person deems to be an issue of some form, and then reframing these issues. NLP Life Coaching however is not a field that is reserved for purely therapeutic purposes. NLP Life Coaching also incorporates what's known as the Milton Model.

If you want to learn NLP Life coaching so that you can apply it to conversational hypnosis, then you will need to learn the Milton Model. The Milton Model is about applying NLP Life coaching discreetly in conversational settings in order to make changes in a person to your benefit.

This is achieved by first establishing rapport with a person and having them really enjoy your presence and company. Once this form of rapport is established, the process of applying NLP Life Coaching becomes much easier.

Changes in a person can be made by installing anchors. Anchors are a way of associating certain emotional states or behaviours to certain actions. For example, let's say that a person was really happy and smiling since they were within your company.
When you learn NLP Life Coaching, you will learn that you can anchor this positive emotional state through an action of some form. This action can be as simple as tapping a pen on the table repeatedly, or even making a certain hand gesture.

NLP Life Coaching Australia does of course have many other uses as well, and if you want to learn NLP Life coachcing then you will also need to learn about submodalities and representational systems, and how the way in which a person analyses information can heavily determine their reaction to certain keywords or phrases.

Another thing you will want to pay attention to when you learn NLP Life Coaching is the other person's body language. You want to mimic their breathing rate, body posture, positioning, hand gestures, facial expressions and all other forms of body language.
This is a process known as matching and mirroring, and it will establish a unconscious form of rapport with the person you're communicating with.

If you would like more information about learning NLP Life Coaching online click here.

Mark J Holland is a professional NLP Life Coach who teaches NLP tools and techniques for practical use in life.  For more information about NLP Life Coaching visit

NLP Life Coaching, NLP Business Coaching Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide, Australia

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

How Would Things Change if you Enjoyed Working Out? - NLP Life Coaching Australia

Here's The Quickest & Easiest Way For You To Stay Motivated and Find Motivation

This audio program gives you the latest and most advanced technology in personal development, a proven strategy, a proven step-by-step process, proven everything you need to Stay Motivated and find Motivation in any area of your life.

It’s never going to get any easier than this to have your own resource to access Motivation when you need it. If you’ve been looking for a quick and easy way to get stay motivated and find motivation whenever you need it this is for you.

Motivation provides a person with a motive to action with positive energy and determination. It's a state of mind that moves one individual into action. The best way to recharge the battery of your motivation is to create that motivational state. An inner drive waiting to be unleashed in all of us, Motivation plays an important role intellectually, emotionally, and professionally for our success and personal development.

When we learn we are response-able for every aspect of our lives, motivated success can only follow, it is inevitable, like the force of the ocean and as sure as the sun rises and sets every day. You can have motivation right here, right now, when we truly accept that we create our realities, we are firmly in control of our state, what we see, hear and feel. Motivation is the activation or energization of goal-oriented behaviour. Motivation may be internal or external. The key to achieving motivation now is action.

PLUS Bonus Program: Procrastinate Procrastination 
maybe you are seeking answers to the “problem” of procrastination . . . time management . . . organizational skills . . . how to fight bad habits.

Procrastination is a complex psychological behaviour that affects everyone to some degree or another. With some it can be a minor problem; with others it is a source of considerable stress and anxiety. Procrastination is only remotely related to time management, and we often know exactly what we should be doing, even if we cannot do it, which is why this audio program could help.

The dictionary defines procrastination as “the act of putting off doing something that should be done right away.”

…maybe you can identify with some of the Characteristics of Procrastination

  • Low Self-Confidence - struggling with feelings of low self-confidence and low self-esteem. Insisting upon a high level of performance even though you may feel inadequate or incapable of actually achieving that level.
  • I'm Too Busy - Procrastination may be used to call attention to how busy someone is. “Obviously I cannot do _(Whatever you are putting off)______ because life is too complicated and so demanding. That is why I’m late, haven’t finished the job, etc...” The procrastinator may even spend considerable time justifying their reasons, the time that could be spent doing what needs to be done.
  • Stubbornness - Used as an expression of inflexibility or pride: “Don't think you can push me around. I will do it when I'm good and ready.”
  • Manipulation - Used to control or manipulate the behaviour of others. “They cannot start if I am not there.” Let's face it: individuals who are always late aggravate others.
  • Coping with Pressures - the delay behaviour has become a method of coping with day-to-day pressures and experiences. It's easier to have an excuse, to delay, to put off.
  • A Frustrated Victim - Often feeling like a victim: cannot understand their behaviour or why they cannot get work done like others. The whole thing is a frustrating mystery. The reasons for their behaviour is hidden from them.

“Procrastination is the thief of time.” - Edward Young 

How will you Benefit when Procrastinating Procrastination

When you procrastinate procrastination, utilizing the tools in this program you would expect to experience peace of mind, a feeling of strength and purpose, and healthy feeling of being in charge of your life.

Does procrastination make you feel weak, useless, and helpless?...when you begin to use this program and start taking charge of your life it can make you feel strong, competent, and capable. You will experience increased personal freedom!

The Truth about Procrastination

Procrastination is reinforcing - every time you delay, it reinforces your negative attitude toward that task. Every time you put off something you dislike, you:
  1. strengthen the habit of not doing;
  2. practice avoidance instead of participation;
  3. avoid acquiring training and skills, and
  4. Indoctrinate yourself with fears.
Active participation in anything tends to give you a positive attitude toward that activity; inactivity helps acquire an unfavourable attitude.
Think of one thing you are currently procrastinating in, and write it down.  It might be personal, school or work-related.
You may have told yourself any of these?
  1. "I'll do it tomorrow."
  2. "I'll do it tomorrow, if ..."
  3. "I need to have some well-earned fun first."
  4.  "I've got to get out for a while to clear my mind."
  5. "My problem will be solved if I change.....”
  6. "I'll relax a while and then get started."
So as you think of one thing you are currently procrastinating in, decide now is the time to do something about it.

When you procrastinate procrastination you will greatly reduce its influence in your life, you'll experience more freedom and greater personal self-satisfaction.
Have some fun with yourself and procrastinate procrastination today.

In this Audio Book you will discover a tool that will help you to remove the procrastination habit out of your life and start moving forward in the achievement of exactly what you need to accomplish in your life now.

ONLY $19.95 (plus P&H)

Yes I want to change things and Enjoy Working Out.

NLP Life Coaching Australia

Friday, March 11, 2011

How NLP Life Coaching Australia Develops Outstanding Leaders

Leaders have a number of qualities that can be developed using NLP Life Coaching Australia. In fact, many studies of leadership have been undertaken using NLP Life Coaching Australia as a modelling toolkit. Robert Dilts is probably the person best known for doing this.

Leaders have at least these qualities in common:
  • The ability to create a compelling vision of the future
  • The ability to communicate that vision so that other people act on it
  • The ability to communicate in a powerful and congruent way – charismatically
  • The ability to set compelling and demanding goals
  • An understanding of people and how to motivate them
When a quality like “leadership” is broken down into specific behaviours, you can easily see how those behaviours map onto the tools of NLP Life Coaching Australia. Many people believe that leaders are born, and cannot be bred. Certainly, some people’s upbringings seem to give them these qualities, but with NLP Life Coaching Australia any behavioural skills can be modelled and learned.
You may be thinking that leadership (or artistry, or compassion) is more than just a set of behaviours. In fact, everything you do is ‘just’ behaviour – your actions are the only way that other people can learn about you. Every memory, thought and idea that is in your head got there through your five senses. Your definitions of leadership, professionalism, love or honesty are all representations of other people’s behaviour. Since we can use the Meta model to specific the behavioural profile of any skill, we can also teach that skill to anyone.

NLP Life Coaching - NLP Business Coaching – Gold Coast – Brisbane – Sydney – Melbourne – Adelaide – Perth – Australia

Top NLP Life Coach Mark J Holland is experienced in providing several premium quality training and personal development services to Corporate Organisations and Major Blue Chip companies – For more information about NLP Life Coaching and NLP Business Coaching visit

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kwabena Boahen on a computer that works like the brain - NLP Life Coaching Australia

Researcher Kwabena Boahen is looking for ways to mimic the brain's supercomputing powers in silicon -- because the messy, redundant processes inside our heads actually make for a small, light, superfast computer.

Kwabena Boahen wants to understand how brains work -- and to build a computer that works like the brain by reverse-engineering the nervous system.

Share your Comments and Click "Like"

NLP Life Coaching Australia

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

6 Things you should know about NLP Life Coaching - NLP Coaching Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide

NLP Life Coaching is about Change
NLP Life Coaching Australia is about supporting change within the individual, change in their behaviours and change in the way they relate to themselves and others.

NLP Life Coaching is about 'excellence'
NLP Life Coaching Australia is the study of excellence and 'modelling' it. If one person can do something, find out about HOW they do WHAT they do could dramatically improve results in others. When we study excellence we are modelling communication patterns, behavioural responses and thought process, insights into effective and affective behaviours can be gained.

NLP Life Coaching is Solutions Focussed
NLP Life coaching Australia is not about the historical causes of a particular challenge or behaviour, it is about the current responses to it and the changes that can be made to reach a more desirable outcome.

NLP Life Coaching is about questioning
The "Meta Model” is a framework which is used to connect what is being said by a person to the deeper meanings or truths not stated and the implied values and belief systems. What we say is a short hand version of what we could say or might want to say, feel or would like to feel, think or might want to think. An experienced NLP life coach will ask a series of questions, some playful some provoking a lot of thought in order to connect the 'words' with the 'internal experience'. In doing so the individual can explore the choices they make and the behaviours they adopt.

NLP Life Coaching is Holistic
NLP Life Coaching Australia considers the link between Mind and Body; Emotions and Experience; Behaviours and Values. As such it recognises the importance of an individual’s belief system. As an approach it will support the individual in questioning any limiting beliefs, behaviours and attitudes and defining empowering beliefs, values and attitudes.

NLP Life Coaching is generative
NLP Life Coaching Australia is always about creating choices and exploring those choices. There is the fundamental belief that the person with the greatest behavioural flexibility will perform better in a range of tasks, challenges and situations.

NLP Life Coaching in the therapeutic context can help support people who have a range of behavioural challenges - these would include issues surrounding habits, phobias, self-confidence, inter-personal communication skills, dealing with emotions (anger management) and so on.

NLP Life Coaching in the coaching context can support individuals, teams and organisations in managing and inspiring change. It helps define targets and goals and the behaviours required to meet those targets and goals.

NLP Life Coaching in the educational context is about teaching, learning, memory and thinking. It is about being able to ask questions, motivate learners and define outcomes.

NLP Life Coaching in the business context is about communicating values, messages and ideas to others in effective, relevant ways.

NLP Life Coaching is an attitude to life - a way of thinking about the world which encourages reflection, focus and action.

Mark J Holland is a professional NLP Life Coach who teaches NLP Life Coaching tools and techniques for practical use in life.  For more information about NLP Life Coaching visit

NLP Coaching Gold Coast, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Adelaide 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How to Bypass Fear and Get On With It... - NLP Life Coaching Australia

"How to Bypass Fear and Get on With It!"

For the first time Mark J Holland's Unique NLP Life Coaching Audio CD “Complete Confidence”
is available to you in the privacy and comfort of your own home enabling you to change your confidence and life with ease. 
It would usually cost you $495.00 for a single break through session in person with Mark J Holland, but now you can get the powerful “Complete Confidence” Audio Program you need for less than the cost of some inferior treatments.

This audio program could change your life and your friends and family's life's forever.

Do you want to gain complete confidence the easy way?  This Audio Program is designed to do it for you!

This audio program  has been designed specifically to install Complete Confidence using relevant and effective methods of rapid change enabling you to change your life for the better in so many positive ways!

This audio program has been specifically designed to be their in your CD shelf, for use at various times in your life whenever you, your family or friends need or want to achieve complete confidence in life.

Order Today and your life could be changed for the better in just a few short days from now!

Track 1- Introduction to complete confidence

When we attempt to do something maybe a little out of our comfort zone, how does that make us feel?  Well this feeling could be our very own boundary condition.  Boundary conditions are created by our thinking and the thoughts, values, beliefs and attitudes of the people who influenced in our lives.  The question we need to ask ourself is “does it help us or hider us in achieving what we want?”

In this program you will begin to utilize the power of our “neck top computer”, (our mind) and create complete confidence in almost any situation.

Simple things Like:
l        How to connect deeply with others
l        Simple tools to create complete confidence
l        Strategies you may or may not have ever used to dramatically improve your life
l        Easy to apply techniques to gain control of your thinking

Track 2 - Taking control of our Confidence State

Revealed! the basic language of the mind to change the way you encode your thoughts and ideas.

l        Control how we react in any situation
l        Dramatically change your behaviour in seconds
l        Change the structure of our thinking and achieve what you want

You will change how you feel in seconds

Increase you confidence in almost any situation

...and you can have all the fun, pleasure, confidence and happiness you want when you follow the simple steps in this audio program.

Track 3 – How to Create a Powerful Confident Mindset

Imagine being able to discover, elicit the patterns of, and utilize excellent behaviour in yourself and others.

The theory is that, “Anything you can do, I can discover and also do.”   in this program you will find and model complete confidence and install it in yourself.

Confident people are generally in control of their feelings no matter what the external circumstances, and they have a most excellent way of staying in a positive and confident mindset while being in total control of their feelings.

l        Entering a room with complete confidence
l        Talking with people with ease
l        Meeting new people and feeling great in the process
l        Open new opportunities in your career and personal life

How to connect powerful positive feelings to any situation wherever you need them.

Imagine feeling good in situations that once troubled you.
Don't make a decision too quickly and have all the confidence you ever need in your life.

I wonder if you've already started to notice the confidence already happening as you read this.

People are able to change their lives with complete confidence

Track 4 – How To Create a Confident Self-Image

What would you be able to achieve with a new confident self image

In this program you will learn how to create the momentum toward your confident compelling future.

You will install new choices where you can build all the confidence you want in your life.

You will discover the power in any situation you need to inject confidence, you will now have the resources to make it happen.

People are able to change old habits and have fun installing new habits

Do you have an old habit you do, that you no longer do?  What would your life be like when you change that old habit and start enjoying a new and empowering habit?

Do you procrastinate?
Do you put things off?
Do you indulge in old habits that are standing in the way of your complete confidence?

That fact that you are reading this means you can have complete confidence.

Track 5 – Changing Limiting Beliefs and Creating an Empowering New belief

How we create beliefs in our life

Why an old belief could be limiting your achievements and how to create the changes so you can create complete confidence

I will reveal to you Three Critical Stages in Life and how they effect our mindset.

At the end of this program you will install a new empowering mindset and discover new  possibilities for you and your life.

Remove the limitations you created in your life and start fresh with new and exciting possibilities

Track 6

Integration of all the changes and new mindset.

This audio program  has been designed specifically to install Complete Confidence using relevant and effective methods of rapid change enabling you to change your life for the better in so many positive ways!

This audio program has been specifically designed to be their in your CD shelf, for use at various times in your life whenever you, your family or friends need or want to achieve complete confidence in life.

Order Today and your life could be changed for the better in just a few short days from now!

Only $47.00 (plus P&H)

Yes I want to know How to Bypass Fear and Get On With It!

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Makes NLP Business Coaching Different from Standard Business Coaching?

Coaching is an obvious and popular choice for people trained in NLP business Coaching. It’s easy to see how NLP Business Coaching tools and techniques translate easily into personal coaching, and that’s only a step away from business coaching.
NLP Business coaching is different to other forms coaching frameworks in at least two major ways; firstly, NLP Business Coaching does not offer a prescriptive framework and is based solely on the client’s own resources and ambitions. Secondly, the NLP modelling technology makes it very easy to develop behavioural skills to a high degree of performance. This makes NLP business coaching ideally suited for sports, sales, recruitment and other jobs that have specific behavioural patterns that underpin success.
Since NLP business coaching comprises tools for personal change, a NLP business coach is able to help a client make changes that are not achievable with other forms of coaching. For example, you can either spend hours with non directive questioning to arrive at an insight or you can go straight there and make a belief change with NLP business coaching. Some coaches would say that the non directive approach is best because the client got there in their own time, and I would say that coaches who say that charge by the hour.
You can imagine how NLP business coaching can help a golfer to make a perfect swing every time, or a tennis player to maintain a peak state throughout the game. In sales, how would it help to be able to map out your customer’s unconscious decision process and use it to help them to buy? In recruitment, how would it help to maintain a highly focussed state throughout a day’s sales calls?
Many coaching schools and methodologies prescribe a strict formula or process for coaching. With NLP business coaching, the process is simply this:
  1. Find out what the client wants to achieve
  2. Remove the barriers to their success
  3. Get out of the way
So, if you’re the kind of professional person who already has clear goals and a wealth of experience and knowledge, then those prescriptive frameworks can seem very limited. The NLP business coaching approach can help you to remove the one or two obstacles that stand in the way of runaway success.
If there’s one tool in NLP business coaching that can really help you to coach effectively, it’s the Meta model. When a client is talking through a situation where they’re not getting the results they want, all you need to do is ask the right questions. The client will do 99% of the work themselves if you are able to ask the client questions that give them the insight they need.
NLP Business Coaching – Gold Coast – Brisbane – Sydney – Melbourne – Adelaide – Perth – 
Top NLP Business Coach Mark J Holland is experienced in providing several premium quality training and personal development services to Corporate Organisations and Major Blue Chip companies – For more information about NLP Business Coaching visit

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jill Bolte Taylor's stroke of insight - NLP Life Coaching Australia

Brain researcher Jill Bolte Taylor studied her own stroke as it happened -- and has become a powerful voice for brain recovery.

Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story.

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